STABB666's Journal

STABB666's Journal


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30 entries this month

Is this freedom of speech?

13:45 Nov 27 2007
Times Read: 831

...Is a very difficult question to answer.

Considering how many little bitches moan about their lack of 'freedom'- to express some half-assed BS opinion about something totally irrelevant to this site, I thought about it in parallel to last nights events at the Oxford Union Debating Society event.

Which could be considered the worse option- to allow a self-acknowledged nationalist with fascistic views, and an admitted Holocaust revisionist to air their views in a public (and highly respected) forum, or to deny them the right to have their opinion and to debate against it.

The scene was set for David Irving, who has written and been jailed for questions and supposition which undermines the history of the Holocaust and for Nick Griffin, current party leader of the British Nationalist Party to be in the media limelight once again.

Hundreds of protesters chanted slogans and waved banners outside of the hall, with some managing to break in and disrupt proceedings for over an hour.

The fervent abuse from and utter refusal of many to entertain the possibility of either of these two men having their right to speak, seems at odds with the founding principles of this country and Western democratic values as a whole.

Consider the European convention of human rights, which provides a platform for people to have the right to express their opinion, unless it is an incitement to violence.

To me, it seemed that the most potential for violent reaction came from those who were opposed to allowing this debate to take place.

Voltaire said famously- "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Where is that same tolerance of free expression today?

Are those who protest so afraid that they cannot refute their positions, that they must gag them, which inadvertently prevents our deconstruction of their arguments and subsequently, leaves their opinion unchallenged in their own circles?

At what point are we to say what is acceptable and what is not as a society?

Surely they have the right to form their own opinion and we, if we disagree, have the right to be able to counter it. But the scenes last night were more of a lynch mob out to stamp their feet, wave some pitchforks and overwhelm the voice of the few with the howl of the mob.

While I may not agree with what others might wish to say, I will not deny them the right to say it, in this 'free and democratic' society in which I live.

This does not, however, apply to VR, which is a private enterprise with it's own rule of law and as such, the concept of democracy does not apply here. Members essentially have no rights as to the limits of their topical discussions. They must adhere to the terms of service for which they agree to at signup, which includes acting within the rules laid out by the site owner.

But even here, within those bounds, members are allowed to freely express their opinion, so long as it is not offensive, derogatory or libelous.

Such a shame that our model of society is so afraid of the amorphous 'terror', that we must shy away from confrontation with those who really need to be faced and discredited in full view, rather than shoved in a cupboard with the hopes that they will simply go away.




23:30 Nov 25 2007
Times Read: 858

Last night was very, very cool.

Even though I lost consistently (because they ganged up on me), I had good company for my defeat.

Thank you for a wickedly funny evening.





23:29 Nov 25 2007
Times Read: 859

4 moves.

May I ask, whom is it who is your daddy?




20:34 Oct 08 2009

Somehow, you cheated. Somehow.....




21:17 Nov 24 2007
Times Read: 878



Got me smiling

19:51 Nov 23 2007
Times Read: 901

Bottom up, cus I is well lazy, innit...

LOL OH my god *Laughs

On 19:45:05 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:


Dumb And Dumber Assholio Dick Head Distraction

On 19:43:30 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:


(Mental Health Mental Retardation)

On 19:42:23 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Dyslexia Training Ground

On 19:41:27 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:

Dominar Torture Chamber

On 19:40:24 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Titillation of the Twats

On 19:38:33 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:

The Place For Morons to Roleplay

On 19:37:59 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:

'Torture of the Twits'

On 19:35:44 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:

Desecration of Intelligence

On 19:34:14 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:

'Castration of the Unfortunates'

On 19:33:23 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:

Annihilation of the Assholes

On 19:32:09 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Or perhaps 'Slaughter of the Fools'.

On 19:31:25 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:


The Forum should be renamed

Rampage of the Idiots

On 19:30:44 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Well, to avoid being labeled a dirty ho and also certain legal implications, it's all free baby!


I'm kickin' the forum...so much to delete, so little free time. lol

On 19:26:45 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:

O.o How much does your performence cost? =P Just kidding

What's kickn'?

On 19:24:50 Nov 23 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Didn't you hear- I try to perform at least one a day?

On 19:23:40 Nov 23 2007 Maire wrote:

It's a miracle your out of the shadows 0.o




18:37 Nov 23 2007
Times Read: 906

I do believe that I am improving at this literati game.

Winning more than losing yesterday, was a good feeling.





A gem of particlar brilliance...

14:46 Nov 22 2007
Times Read: 934

"grabs ur throat slams u into the wall GROWLS *u a wussy ass(slave)or fighter(master)"

I am a full grown adult who doesn't bother with pitiful role-playing children.

Begone before I decide to squich you.

*smacks with a +5 button of bitch-slappin*




20:24 Nov 21 2007
Times Read: 962

Oh, I see.

It's like that is it?


Bring it!

*takes gloves off*






00:18 Nov 21 2007
Times Read: 978




19:46 Nov 20 2007
Times Read: 990

Being a total novice at this game and starting from a position of never having played before, to go up against an English major with years of experience was a mighty challenge.

Not that I don't like a woman of experience, but perhaps next time I'm asked to play, I may respond with...

"I'd love to, but I just can't be arsed."






20:57 Nov 19 2007
Times Read: 1,016

"i need hepl name my baby can enbody gave my some name for a boy and a gril too"

You need to be shot, but since all I can do is ban you, so be it.

Die fucker, die!!





11:14 Nov 17 2007
Times Read: 1,048

Yesterday, we set up the hosting account.

The domain name is registered already and I set up a subdomain, which I'll need to build a separate site for.

Also set up the webmail account and forwarding, but we'll need to upgrade that and set up outlook to pull down the mail.

Put a test page up, which showed me the difference between using Firefox and IE in quite a stark comparison, Which reminded me that I have to re-reference all of the image links...joy.

I created a SQL database and set up ASP.net 2, but haven't really got a firm plan for either of these yet, but the functionality is free, so maybe we'll be able to use them at a later date.

Now, we need to finish the content, clean up the existing and then upgrade the account to get rid of the nasty adverts.

I'm looking forward to making this all work...




"Are you falling?"

00:37 Nov 17 2007
Times Read: 1,063

Yes, but with style...

(Homage to Buzz)




Definition of Energy

22:19 Nov 13 2007
Times Read: 1,097

My Response to this thread...

The way I see it, is in terms of information.

You mention light photons. These packets of energy carry information about the last interaction they had at a sub-atomic scale.

Hence the reason why the eye is able to see and the brain interpret when light hits it, after being refracted from an object with mass.

As the photon enters the quantum field, it passes the information to the particles there, changing them as it does, as well as picking up the new information about the state of that individual field, so that when it leaves and moves to the next, the photon has new information to impart and gain.

Extrapolate this to occur trillions upon trillions of times per second, then consider that as it travels so fast, it (light), effectively tells the universe where it is at any point in time- one could call it the refresh rate of the universe.

Then consider that since light bounces off and passes into our personal mass and energy field, it is changed by that ineraction and with this realisation, it can then be manipulated, either consciously or non-consciously by our thoughts, which create expressions of movement, emotion, chi (ki) and hypothetically, psionics.




19:03 Nov 12 2007
Times Read: 1,131

Do you like word games?

Well now you can do something positive for the world at the same time as testing your own knowledge.

FreeRice. Sad that it comes to this to feed the hungry, when they (The World Food Program) say that it would take $195Billion (per year), to end global starvation.

That's about one third of the annual US military budget. The US also is failing to hit it's commitment of spending 0.7% of GDP (currently making about 0.15%), on the food program.





21:00 Nov 11 2007
Times Read: 1,143

I have to say, I am a teensy bit hyper right now.




02:34 Nov 10 2007
Times Read: 1,203


Perceptive, incisive, witty?

Or just an ass, making obnoxious assumptions in a vain attempt at being clever?

You are the Judge! Cast your vote now, by calling 1-900-pointless.

(Charged at premium rate- ask bill payers permission)

*This one is self-deprecating.*




Ain't seen this lot for a while...

02:14 Nov 10 2007
Times Read: 1,212

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




23:20 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 1,255


I hear that at least one person has added two to two. They may even have gotten four.


*that person lives in New Orleans*





22:49 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 1,280



18:44 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 1,288

MS Virtual Machine is very limited. Sure, it's ok for for creating a bare bones, low spec test system, but there's no real way to tweak it.

So I decided to use VMware virtual machine 6. Much better. The hardware virtualisation has more compatibility, smaller image size and all around larger capacity and extendability on the RAM and virtual HDD.

Soon, I'll have my DELL twin Xeon 4Ghz chips, 4GB RAM, terabyte RAID array server online...

Inside that, I intend to build a virtual domain, with a DC, file and printer server, Exchange box, several virtual desktops and attempt to put up a virtual proxy gateway.

I do have a long term goal for this. It's not just for my home use. I have a clever plan...




17:54 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 1,296

Last night, I found the inherent problems of attempting to configure wireless networks, on another continent, using remote desktop and telephone support.

Get one little number wrong and it can all go to a bad place.

But in the end, with the support of my rather excellent assistant, I worked my magic and managed to add a repeater and laptop to an existing wifi setup, allowing distribution across two buildings on the site.

After many heavy sighs and several hours, it was a great feeling to finally have it up and running.

Damn, we are good. ;)





17:50 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 1,298

"God bless you everyone"

Awww, God bless you too!

I hope that your prayers are answered and a cure can be found for your terrible condition. It must be so hard to live like that, with no personality.




23:57 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 1,322

Tonight was an extremely successful venture and immensely satisfying experience.

It was the technical equivalent of being in someone's panty drawer.


p.s. It was for a very good reason. lol




00:20 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 1,347

In my latest job, I get to work with these...

I didn't build them, which puts the racks I did build to shame, but they are badass.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




20:55 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 1,360

I've just finished building a win XP pro Virtual Machine...logged on now using it. Works a treat. Now I can have downloads, web browsing and other such things in a secure shell..

And I can re-use all of that software that wouldn't work on Vista...




Vampirika. I don't usually name and shame, but I'm making an oh so special exception in this case, since I appear to be a regular in this persons attentions.

19:14 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 1,373

"If you have 666, 999, Death, Grave, Dark...or any of that in your Username, you're a really uncreative 'tard. That's just my op..."

I didn't bother reading the rest of this pathetic little diatribe, since I know it's a pointless (and baseless) attack against myself- and why?

Because I closed the poor little fellows thread on being Goth. Not that we haven't seen that same thread ad-infinatum, but I've personally seen it several times recently. It's a banal topic on VR, since every EMO and their pet wants to discuss it.

Really, that thread was just a poor simulacrum of others past and this particular horse, does not need to be beaten again and again...and again.

If that offends your pretentious little ass, then so be it, you strange little fuckwit.




18:50 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 1,374

The masks for the New Orleans meetup and ball arrived today.

I am a happy chappy...they are awesome!


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




Soapbox time again...

22:41 Nov 04 2007
Times Read: 1,398

It's been a fair while since I wrote down anything about how I feel on the current state of global politics, even though it sloshes around in my head constantly.

Somehow I get the feeling that not many on VR really care to know, or to understand. I know some are switched on to whats going on in the world outside of America, but it's a rare mind that actually has deep consideration about it.

It takes a very considerable attitude to relate it to one's life. How do these things affect us and why should we even be concerned about how many people die in the Jo'burg slums every day?

Why are protests in Burma relevant at all to anyone outside of that isolated mountainous jungle land?

President Musharraf has declared emergency rule for the military in Pakistan. Why, is a good question. Does it matter to America, to Britain, to anyone?

Yes, very much so. Critically, Pakistan is an 'ally in the War on Terror'. (terror is a noun, incidentally, so yet again, I am amazed for the American capacity to mash up the English language)

So in this capacity, Musharraf has commited himself and his country to a fight against Muslim ideologists. Pakistan, is a majority Muslim nation, so that doesn't go down at all well.

Mix into this the recent assault on the Red Mosque, a seat of Islamic teaching and a symbol for Sharia law following Muslims, where hundreds were killed. Add several assassination attempts on Musharraf, with a recent upsurge in fighting in the border area with Afganistan, resulting in hundreds of Pakistani soldiers killed and captured.

Top it off with a recent supreme court hearing, where the decision, due on Monday (tomorrow), was likely to go against Musharraf, where they would rule his recent election as the country's President illegal, due to his being the head of the army.

The result is that Musharraf has suspended the constitution, surrounded the courts, sacked the cheif justice, put troops on the street and has essentially enacted a military coup to retain control of the country, demolishing all sense of democracy.

Benazir Bhutto, a polical rival, recently returned for self-imposed exile, to be greeted with bomb attacks and hundreds killed. She is currently out of the country and looks unlikely to return in the current climate. All of the opposition parties in Pakistan are untied against Musharraf's actions, but since he controls the army, the only recourse is demonstration, which have almost always turned violent in the past.

So, now that America's key South Asian ally is now a military dictatorship, how does that affect us?

For Britian, we have a large Pakistani immigrant population and already have a great deal of bad feeling between those communities and 'The English'.

The UK also sells a lot of arms to Pakistan, a country who also have intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.

Sat in an extensive mountainous region by Afganistan, the Northwest frontier has become (or may always have been) a base of operations for the Taleban and Al Qeda supporting fighters, seeping easily over a porous border.

Recent attempts by the Pakistani army have been futile in preventing these cross-border incursions, with many soldiers actually defecting.

Now that there is a political stalemate, the Mullah's are calling for war against the state and the imposition of an Islamic Theocracy.

Consider what will happen in Afganistan if this happens. The twenty thousand or so American, UK and European troops in the South, will be overwhelmed, with no likelihood of reinforcments, due to the beleaguered armies in Iraq.

And what of Iraq?

Turkey recently began amassing troops and armour on the Northern border with Kurdistan, amidst threats of invasion in order to root out the PKK, an organisation identified as terrorist by 'The West', yet widely supported by the Kurdish people in their aim of an autonomous Kurdish state in South Eastern Turkey.

And they have a case, since discrimination and violence against Turkish Kurds has been rife for decades. However, the Turkish people want blood after recent military losses in the region.

This means a potential destabilising of the one currently manageable region of Iraq. Not good news for America at all.

One small piece of positive news for America, although massively ironic, is the Sunni tribal leaders agreement to fight with the US against the Al Qeda and Shi'a militias.

Unfortunately, many of the leaders of these tribes are being assassinated on a regular basis. The irony comes in that these are the same tribes that were once favoured under Saddam Hussein. (remember him- hung like a dog after a kangaroo court, not long after Bush declared 'Mision Accomplished' on that aircraft hanger?)

Skip over to the 'Holy Land', where Isreal is applying collective punishment against a civilian population for the actions of Hamas rocket attacks. This is in the form of restrictions to food and fuel supplies, the cutting off of electricity and water and the destruction of essential civilian services, such as power stations.

See the Geneva Convention:

'Article 33:

No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.

Pillage is prohibited.

Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions collective punishments are a war crime.

By collective punishment, the drafters of the Geneva Conventions had in mind the reprisal killings of World Wars I and II. In the First World War, Germans executed Belgian villagers in mass retribution for resistance activity. In World War II, Nazis carried out a form of collective punishment to suppress resistance. Entire villages or towns or districts were held responsible for any resistance activity that took place there. The conventions, to counter this, reiterated the principle of individual responsibility. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Commentary to the conventions states that parties to a conflict often would resort to "intimidatory measures to terrorize the population" in hopes of preventing hostile acts, but such practices "strike at guilty and innocent alike. They are opposed to all principles based on humanity and justice."

Since Isreal is an apartheid state, much as South Africa was, I don't see them taking much notice of the horrendous suffering inflicted upon an innocent civilian population, other than by small groups such as B'tselem, who do fantastically brave work to prevent inhumane and immoral treatment of any people in that war.

Again, there is the face of Islam being the main source of consternation, where a democratically elected party was refused by The West, causing a schism and eventual meltdown in the Palestinian political structure, undermining any future possibility of nationhood for them.

Move across Egypt and into Sudan and more fighting between Islamic and Western ideals, where more than 200,000 are dead in the last decade, with millions displaced, starving and still dying. Next door, is Ethiopia and then Somalia.

Most of us in the west know about these two countries, with the Live Aid concerts set up to bring attention to the Ethiopian famines of the 1980's and in 1993, the now infamous events of Black Hawk Down.

Recently, US funded operations by the Ethiopian government resulted in the Ethiopian army invading Somalia, in order to drive out the Union of Islamic Courts- an organisation which had just begun stitching the country back together after years of destruction and poverty.

Now, there are once again running battles in Mogadishu, tens of thousands fleeing their homes and hundreds dead already.

Switch to the west of the continent and find the Nigerian government being accused of corruption in stealing the wealth of the oil reserves, an infrastructre which is so dangerous that hundreds of people ae killed regularly trying to syphon off the petrol.

Who buys this oil? Yes, it's the good ol' boys in the US. Just as they buy from Saudi, another state which seems to lack the understanding of Democracy and human rights.

Incidentally, the UK is selling arms to them (the Saudi's), which they will buy with several billion dollars (about 9$ billion, if memory serves), of US taxpayers money.

And this is all without mention of North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Central America, China, Japan, Eastern Europe and Russia.

Where is the world going and who's driving it there?




07:58 Nov 01 2007
Times Read: 1,436


| Block |

Date: 07:51:57 - Nov 01 2007

Rating: 1

Comment: as i go along learning of my new friends, i rate fairly and learn.

oooh, bombed my portfolio too!


| Unblock |

Date: 07:52:38 - Nov 01 2007

Rating: 1

Comment: as i go along learning of my new friends, i rate fairly and learn.

He actually looks like a real weirdo.

But clearly little more than a cowardly liar.



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